I am working few jobs and feeling little overwhelmed, but very grateful to be doing what I want to be doing. It all started in January. I promised my very understanding, supportive and patient hubby that I would get a paying job if art sales didn't pick up to relieve his very high level of stress about paying the bills. The bills, the bills....
I scoured craigslist for ideas, I applied to substitute teach (which I really didn't want to do at all even though I have a teaching degree), I even called about a job at Smoothie King. I called Art Trends Gallery, Chesterfield arts you name it and I called to see if they needed help. I even offered to paint my brother's house for a few extra bucks. No, no, no was unfortunately the answer I got everywhere. Except subbing (which I really didn't want to do, but would if I had to). Oh and I sold lots of toys on craigslist.
I didn't quite give up the search but I did get distracted by my passion and therapy and went back to making art. I experimented with my necklaces and trees and I made new paintings. The next thing I know, I get a call from Chesterfield Arts because they need a painting/drawing teacher for private lessons, then a class and then a spring break camp and so on. Then Nancy from Art Trends calls to say she needs help one day a week. Perfect, I can do that! Then my necklaces started selling like crazy. Whew! Thank goodness. Those are just my jobs with pay. I am also working at the Gateway Gallery once a month to fulfill my partner duties, and I get to be mom to my cuties. I'd say I clean house too, but that is just laughable.
Then art fair season started. I didn't apply to too many because I didn't have enough money for applications and booth fees since last year was so slooooow. The few that I have done have been wonderful. I feel like there is this amazing positive energy flowing through our lives right now and I am so scared of it ending, but all you can do is enjoy the ride, right? The biggest news to date is that I sold my biggest, most favorite painting to the n-i-c-e-s-t people at the Webster Groves Art Fair. It is a good thing, but I had to say good bye to New Day. It is surely appropriate for her to go to these wonderful people at this time in my life, but I will miss her still.

New Day
3ft x 5ft
So I hope you know now that I am not whining, I am celebrating my good fortune. I may be busy, and stressed and overworked, but at least I am still working at what I want to work at. In the beginning I said I just want a job where I can get a paycheck, be home for my kids, and have art in my life. I thought that was a pipe dream. But here we are. I got exactly what I asked for.
Maybe I should ask for a stress free, independently wealthy life, where people beg me to make large paintings for them. I'll keep you posted....
Yo Heather. Wow! How do I not know all of these great things happening to you even though I'm your brother? Your blog is awesome & you're awesome! Congrats on the great haps. You're truly an inspiration.