
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Great Ideas Sometimes come from the Smallest Places

Today I came into the studio/gallery early so I could paint in addition to other things I need to do. I am so excited I am giddy. I am looking at my blank panels leaning against my easel and it is production time again. The kids are back at school, and I am free to be in the studio all I want today!

Recently I have been working on some ATC's (Artist Trading Cards) for a project with 12 other women. (more details to come) As I was working on them, I realized that they are a great place for experimenting with color schemes. And they are fun and cute!

So I am using the colors on this ATC for my next big painting. My photo is a bit blurry and faded but I think you get the idea.

Here is this 24"x48 painting I plan to use this color scheme on. I have already applied some Wood Icing and Acrylic paint to the panel. There is a lot of texture and even a tree drawing that you can't see yet. When the colors get added, they will accentuate the textural details.

Can you see the little ATC sitting on top of the big painting? It is so tiny and adorable.

OK, I have a cup of coffee and a painting waiting to be tended to.


  1. Are the artist trading cards on panels? Canvas? Paper? Great concept. This sounds like a really fun project.

  2. Yes, they are on a gessoed panel that I cut up into smaller sizes. It has been a fun project! I am hoping to take pictures of them before I mail them out today. You can also buy pre-made canvases, watercolor paper, etc and even little envelopes. I chose to cut up panels because of my process.


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