Friday, September 20, 2013

Trying Something New

I'm Back! This summer I gave my blog time up so I could spend more time focusing on my family and painting. I am glad I did, but I have missed it too. It is great to be back at it again. So as usual, I have decided to try something new. That's what happens when you take a break, new ideas come up.

I am going to try and post every day that I work in the studio and maybe some of the days that I don't. Not sure about that part though. This may sound weird, but I want to experiment with the idea of sharing my "real time" creating on my blog. In the past I have been sharing past, present and future; depending on what I feel like blogging about, but right now, I am feeling the urge to blog about RIGHT NOW. I don't know if I can keep it up, or if it will even be interesting to follow, but I am going to try it. We will see. If anything, it will be a great exercise in living in the NOW.

This is the first 24"x48" painting I worked on this morning. I laid down Wood Icing texture paste on Wednesday and let it dry, then today I began more color work. I think the top half is going to be off white or cream, but I began with an undercoat of raw sienna to give it some warmth and depth. This is a city scape in the making, probably influenced by my recent trip to Chicago. Looking at the city lights as we drove away on Sunday night took my breath away.

Chilly the helper...looking for a drink.

My second piece I am working on is a 12"x48" painting that I also started on Wednesday earlier this week. I challenged myself to make a painting without a horizon line and this is what I came up with. I love horizon lines, they are very grounding. They make me feel comfortable and balanced. So this was a little scary for me. I like it though. It's kind of like grown up confetti without the mess. We'll see where it goes.

Here is the third and last piece of the day. I began with texture and color and some awesome silver flakes on a 32"x24" board. I do know where it is going, but I don't want to say yet, in case I change my mind. Or in case the painting changes my mind for me. Sometimes when I come back to a painting, it has a way of telling me "your plans mean NOTHING and now you must do THIS" and I listen.


  1. Beautiful photographs of your work and studio...and little studio-helper. :)
    You are such an AMAZING artist!!

    1. Thank you Mary, Your compliment makes me feel amazing!

  2. It is funny how sometimes painting speak to us and want to go in a different direction to what we envision. Love your studio helper. I have one that I constantly have to keep an eye on because he seems to have a thing for my dirty paintbrush water despite the fact that I keep fresh water down for him.

    1. My studio helper always gets a big drink before I get the water dirty and then I have to watch her like a hawk!

  3. Being mindful of our now moments, you can't beat that, looking forward to your now studio moments :-)

    1. Thank you Bren. I hope I can stick with it for a while.


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