Thursday, August 30, 2007

My First Award

This past weekend, I was in Oswego, Illinois and I won the purchase award. The Village of Oswego purchased one of my paintings to put on display in their governmental building. What an honor! The last award I won was an honorable mention for some alternative process photography that I entered into a competition at the St. Charles Artist Guild right out of college. I was starting to get a complex. So, thank you Michelle, Erin and Village of Oswego!

The painting they chose is called Balance. It is a 32" x 24" painting about how I am constantly trying to find a comfortable balance between taking care of my family and taking care of my art career. I will probably figure it out by the time my kids move out and then I will need to make a painting about adjusting to life with out my children in the house!


  1. Hey darlin' please post if you figure the balance thing out, ha, ha. I know I need help on that topic myself. Congratulations on the award, so glad to see you are getting the recognition you deserve!

  2. .... and yet the two "halves" of your painting aren't quite equal....

  3. I am glad you noticed that. The fact is I haven't found an even balance. If I focus on my kids more, I paint less. If I focus on my paintings more, my kids get way less attention. I like to think of the calm area in the almost middle as the part of me that gets to be fulfilled with the positive I get from experiencing both "halves". I am also interested in how an artist can achieve visual balance without symmetry. This concept plays into my ideas about my life's "balancing act".


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