Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Lot Can Happen in a Month

I think I will stick with just the good news...

In July, I was in a fair in Orland Park, IL. My first out of state fair. It was really good. The people were so nice, the fair treated the artists really well, and I made some great sales. The best part was the connection I feel I made with the people who bought my paintings. It was like I always dreamed it would be when I started this. My hope was that people would feel what I feel from my art and connect with it on more than a visual level. It was a truly moving experience for me.

Next, one of my best friend's mom has commissioned me to do a 4'x5' painting for the entry foyer of her business in Phoenix, AZ. I am so excited I can't stand it. Thank you Debby! I ordered the wood for it this week and I hope to really dig in once I get back from Oswego, IL next weekend.

Most importantly, I sent my youngest of two children to kindergarten this week. She only goes half days so it isn't much different than preschool except it is five days a week instead of three. She is so happy and excited to be there. She was complaining today that she hasn't learned how to read yet though. Can you believe they haven't taught her to read in four days? She cracks me up. My son is in third grade and has a little more trouble adjusting. He always takes about a week or two to get into the swing of things. Like mother like son.

Well, I could go on and on because it has been quite the eventful month, but if I don't stop I wont get to paint with the hour I have left before the kiddos get home.

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